VizMarket contains 7 million fields of the most extensively researched contact information on Businesses, Professionals, Organizations and Events happening in SW Florida. years and over 40,000 hours of R&D are presented for FREE because we Love SW Florida!
VizMarket has a Favorite Button for each of the 100,000 plus Business and Professional Contact Pages that easily lets you store your most frequently used contacts and find them in alphabetical order from the bottom menu bar of the App. Or with two clicks Add the Contact information of "Who's Who" into your Mobile Contact Manager.
In addition to being a powerful search tool, VizMarket also provides a centralized Events calendar that encompasses the entire state of Florida. Discover what events are happening in Bonita Springs, Miami, Tampa or any city in Florida. Search by Date, City, Category, or perform an All Search of over a 100,000 Events statewide.